Construct a type with the properties of T except for those in type K.

interface AxiosDefaults<D> {
    adapter?: AxiosAdapterConfig | AxiosAdapterConfig[];
    auth?: AxiosBasicCredentials;
    baseURL?: string;
    beforeRedirect?: ((options: Record<string, any>, responseDetails: {
        headers: Record<string, string>;
        statusCode: HttpStatusCode;
    }) => void);
    cancelToken?: CancelToken;
    data?: D;
    decompress?: boolean;
    env?: {
        FormData?: (new (...args: any[]) => object);
    family?: AddressFamily;
    fetchOptions?: Record<string, any>;
    formSerializer?: FormSerializerOptions;
    headers: HeadersDefaults;
    httpAgent?: any;
    httpsAgent?: any;
    insecureHTTPParser?: boolean;
    lookup?: ((hostname: string, options: object, cb: ((err: null | Error, address: LookupAddress | LookupAddress[], family?: AddressFamily) => void)) => void) | ((hostname: string, options: object) => Promise<LookupAddress | [address: LookupAddressEntry | LookupAddressEntry[], family?: AddressFamily]>);
    maxBodyLength?: number;
    maxContentLength?: number;
    maxRate?: number | [number, number];
    maxRedirects?: number;
    method?: string;
    onDownloadProgress?: ((progressEvent: AxiosProgressEvent) => void);
    onUploadProgress?: ((progressEvent: AxiosProgressEvent) => void);
    params?: any;
    paramsSerializer?: ParamsSerializerOptions | CustomParamsSerializer;
    proxy?: false | AxiosProxyConfig;
    responseEncoding?: string;
    responseType?: ResponseType;
    signal?: GenericAbortSignal;
    socketPath?: null | string;
    timeout?: number;
    timeoutErrorMessage?: string;
    transformRequest?: AxiosRequestTransformer | AxiosRequestTransformer[];
    transformResponse?: AxiosResponseTransformer | AxiosResponseTransformer[];
    transitional?: TransitionalOptions;
    transport?: any;
    url?: string;
    validateStatus?: null | ((status: number) => boolean);
    withCredentials?: boolean;
    withXSRFToken?: boolean | ((config: InternalAxiosRequestConfig<any>) => undefined | boolean);
    xsrfCookieName?: string;
    xsrfHeaderName?: string;

Type Parameters

  • D = any

Hierarchy (view full)


baseURL?: string
beforeRedirect?: ((options: Record<string, any>, responseDetails: {
    headers: Record<string, string>;
    statusCode: HttpStatusCode;
}) => void)
cancelToken?: CancelToken
data?: D
decompress?: boolean
env?: {
    FormData?: (new (...args: any[]) => object);
family?: AddressFamily
fetchOptions?: Record<string, any>
formSerializer?: FormSerializerOptions
httpAgent?: any
httpsAgent?: any
insecureHTTPParser?: boolean
lookup?: ((hostname: string, options: object, cb: ((err: null | Error, address: LookupAddress | LookupAddress[], family?: AddressFamily) => void)) => void) | ((hostname: string, options: object) => Promise<LookupAddress | [address: LookupAddressEntry | LookupAddressEntry[], family?: AddressFamily]>)
maxBodyLength?: number
maxContentLength?: number
maxRate?: number | [number, number]
maxRedirects?: number
method?: string
onDownloadProgress?: ((progressEvent: AxiosProgressEvent) => void)
onUploadProgress?: ((progressEvent: AxiosProgressEvent) => void)
params?: any
proxy?: false | AxiosProxyConfig
responseEncoding?: string
responseType?: ResponseType
socketPath?: null | string
timeout?: number
timeoutErrorMessage?: string
transitional?: TransitionalOptions
transport?: any
url?: string
validateStatus?: null | ((status: number) => boolean)
withCredentials?: boolean
withXSRFToken?: boolean | ((config: InternalAxiosRequestConfig<any>) => undefined | boolean)
xsrfCookieName?: string
xsrfHeaderName?: string